Wednesday, November 30, 2011

RIP for November 30

The only thing worse than noting Oscar Wilde's death date is not noting Oscar Wilde's death date.  So we're off the hook.  He created many other great lines, such as "It's not whether I did it or not that's important, but whether people believed I did it."  Which sounds like the Wilde of legend- not that I'm an expert, mind you. 

Gasp!  A sad day for all lovers of... music?  I don't know what the hell to call it, but Tiny Tim died on this date in 1996.  He's best known for performing "Tiptoe through the tulips" and "Do ya think I'm sexy?" (I wish I were kidding about the latter, but I saw it with my own two eyes).  He's also the source of one of the great philosophical questions of our Age:  How in the name of God did he ever become successful?  Short answer?  I have no clue.  Longer answer?  It was the 60s, so I assume drugs were involved, but I was too young to have any input.

From the ridiculous to the... flamboyant.  RIP Evel Kneivel.  I still recall his incredibly unsuccessful attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon on a "motorcycle"- I think he barely made it to the edge of the cliff, but he got a lot of publicity.  He played himself in a cheesy TV movie, though it was awfully cool when if you were a teenage boy.  Which I was.  'Nuff said. 

And that's that!

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