Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2 birthdays

Happy birthday to Richard Montgomery.  He was born in Ireland, and as an adult served in the British Army.   Until he retired, resigned or whatever.  Then he moved to America (in 1773), just in time to become a general officer in the American Army when the Revolution broke out.  It won't end well for him when he returns to Canada with some "friends" for an extended visit.  Let's just say that he discovered Quebec City can be a real-ahem- "blast" on New Years Eve.  Stay tuned for more details.  New Years isn't that far off!

Uncle Martin was born on this date in 1914!  Of course, "Martin" wasn't his real name- he should have been called "Uncle Martian" by Bill Bixby- though of course, being a martian, he wasn't actually his uncle either.  Anyhow, his real name was Ray Walston, and you might also know him as Mr. Hand in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. 

A terrific historian has a birthday today.  Happy birthday to David Hackett Fischer, author of, among other books, "Washington's Crossing", which is one of my favorite books.  It tells the story of Washington crossing the Delaware and the events leading up to, and immediately following it.  A really good book, which I heartily recommend.  Not least of all because he kills off the myth of the drunken Hessians once and for all.  How, I hear you ask?  Well, by using quotes not only from the Hessians, but also from American soldiers who were there.  In one instance, he includes a bit written by one of the men detailed to guard the prisoners, who specifically stated that he saw no sign of drunkenness among them.  He also provides evidence that the story began with the British and Hessian generals who formed a board of inquiry into the disaster.  Conveniently, Colonel Rall, the commander at Trenton, was dead, which made him a perfect scapegoat.  Not that military officers would ever scapegoat a dead comrade.  No sir.  Never-ever-ever... unless it would cover their asses. 

If you're into hot Asian women, you'll want to give Lucy Liu something for her birthday.  I know I would!  Get your mind out of the gutter- I meant a card and a box of chocolates!  Geez. 

Rena Sofer was also born today.  She's never been a huge star, despite the attempts of network people.  I knew the name was familiar, and finally saw that she played Susan in the crappy US version of one of the funniest shows ever, "Coupling".    Since I don't really know what else she's done of interest, I'll just shake my head in pity that she was put into that position.  Even using almost the identical script, the show was nowhere near as good as the original.  And if the script, sets and cinematography were the same, then what's left?  Sadly, I have to say "the actors".  They just didn't have "IT". 

Britney Spears hits the Big 30 today.  Wow.  Seems like only yesterday she was the hot jailbait teasing men everywhere.  Now she's a slightly chunky mom of two who has been shown to not really be all that talented, and it also turns out that she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  Sadly, even now her father is her custodian, as she's apparently not able to handle her own affairs as an adult.  For a while, she was a joke, but then, in my mind, it became incredibly pathetic.  She's better now, but still...

Aaron Rodgers turns 28 today.  I was hoping he'd be older, so I wouldn't have to worry about him continuing to humiliate my Lions for much longer.  But alas, that looks like a strong likelihood.  Bastard. 

And that's that.  Happy birthday to all of them except Rodgers.  (Just kidding, sort of).

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