Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28 Birthdays

First on the list for a happy birthday is Charles Cornwallis, Baron Cornwallis.  But if you're thinking I'm about to poke fun at him for the defeat at Yorktown, you're wrong.  Since he was born in 1655, he's not that Lord Cornwallis.  I'll presume an ancestor though.  Besides, I think the later one was an earl or something, so the "baron" part tricked you!  I'm so darn clever!

In 1763, Canada celebrated the birth of the most important person in the history of Canada:  John Molson.  Of course, he wasn't born in Canada but in England, but the point remains.  If you don't know who he was, then fie on you.  I don't even drink beer and I know. 

A rather controversial military officer was born on this date in 1879- General Billy Mitchell.  He was the grandfather of the US Air Force.  He had some decent ideas about the role of the aircraft in wartime, but he was kind of a poopy-head, so in the end he was cashiered and essentially disgraced.  Had he lived about 5-6 more years, he probably would have gone to the Navy offices in Washington and mooned them all, since he had the radical idea that aircraft could sink battleships.  The Navy was pretty skeptical, at least through December 7 1941.  Too bad for them!

Any hardcore nerds out there?  If so, I'll mention the birthday of Stan Lee, born on this date in 1922.  "Nuff said. 

In 1929, it was time for Terry Sawchuck.  If you've ever seen pictures of him after he'd been playing goalie for a while, you'll doubt that he had any chance of being voted "most beautiful anything".  But he played for the Red Wings back in the day, and did a darn fine job of goaltending.  So he's cool... Except that I hear he was a real poopie-head.  Just a story, so I don't know. 

Famous albino and musician Edgar Winter was born on this date in 1946.  Come on and take a free ride (free ride).  Or of course take a gander at "Frankenstein" with him.  He apparently was a true child prodigy, but he was also from Texas, whatever that means.  Gonna have to listen to more of his stuff, as those are honestly the only two songs of his that I know. 

Born in Mexico in 1947 was the one and only Aurelio Rodriguez.  He played third base in the Majors for many years, most especially for... YOUR DETROIT TIGERS.  So yeah, he was cool.  In 1975, he won the Gold Glove- the first person not named Brooks Robinson to win it since 1959.  He wasn't a great hitter, but he had a good glove (obviously) and a great arm.  Sadly, he was visiting Detroit from Mexico in 2000, when he was hit by a car and killed. 

And finally, we'll give a nod to Sienna Miller, born in 1981.  Fairly talented, I guess, and pretty hot; but apparently only slightly saner than a Lohan or Kardashian.  Sorry for the less than ringing endorsement, but there you have it. 

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