Friday, December 30, 2011

December 30 History

A big event in 1066 on this date.  Has nothing to do with England, as that particular event was a while back.  No, this was took place in Spain, during the Golden Age of Moorish Peace and Tranquility Which Almost Every Historian Assures Us Existed In Spain Before The Reconquista.  At any rate, a mob of adherents to The Religion of Peace storm the royal palace and crucify the vizier, who was Jewish.  Then they go rampaging through the streets killing Jews.  Numbers are uncertain, but probably several thousand people were slaughtered.  Presumably, it had something to do with Israel occupying the West Bank a few hundred years in the future. 

For all my friends in the Southwest, today is the anniversary of the 1852 Gadsden Purchase.  Even though the lands were paid for, it's still a Bad Thing, and proves the US is evil.  As does everything else, of course.

In 1862, the USS Monitor sinks in a storm off Cape Hatteras North Carolina.  Doesn't really matter, since the value of that design had already been proven, and more were on the way.  The sinking does reinforce an old sailors rhyme:  "If the Bermudas let you pass, you must beware of Hatteras".  Lots of ships sink off the Cape there, although no aliens or Atlanteans are believed to be involved.

And finally, if you live in Samoa or Tokelau, then you're reading this on the 30th.  Because the 29th doesn't exist.  Ever.  Nope, you did a Rip Van Winkle, going to bed on Thursday night and waking up on Saturday morning.  Of course, if the stories I hear are true, that could be a common occurrence in Samoa.  Just sayin'. 

There.  Short and sweet.  Just the way I like my women.  Though tall and sweet also works.

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