Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2 birthdays

Happy birthday to James Wolfe British general.  We met him months ago on the Plains of Abraham.  He met a guy in a long robe, carrying a sickle on that day too.  But not until after he'd met the goddess Nike, or victory.  He was born in 1727, and didn't make it to even his mid-30s. 

Sci-fi nerds will be impressed to know that it's the birthday of Isaac Asimov.  He was born in 1920, and wrote a lot of cool stuff.  Some of it was made into movies, some of which were apparently horrible (cough cough)"I Robot"(cough cough).

Dang me, dang me, you oughta take a rope and hang me; though that seem a bit extreme as a means of celebrating the 1936 birth of Roger Miller.  He had a few great songs, but some of his less well-known songs were horrible.  But that tends to be true all the time. 

Hot woman time:  So give a birthday kiss to 1967s pride, Tia Carrere.  She was good in whichever Wayne's World movie she was in, and also in the awesome "True Lies", with Ahnuld. 

Again, that's all we have. 

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