Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5

Happy anniversary to Martha Dandridge Custis and her new husband, a chap named George Washington.  They were married on this date in 1759.  As a cynical author once said, he didn't marry her for her money.  There was also her land holdings and her slaves.  But hey, they seemed relatively happy.  So good for them.

In 1914, A chap named Henry Ford and his company announce a new policy:  They start requiring their employees to work (only) 8 hours a day, and start paying them FIVE DOLLARS a day!!!!  Yowza!

Four years later, a new group in Germany comes together- The Free Committee for A German Workers Peace.  A few years down the road, they change the name to The National Socialist German Workers Party.  With a name that included "Socialist Workers", it's quite obvious that they're part of a vast right wing conspiracy. 

In 1972, then President Nixon orders a new space vehicle to be developed.  It's going to be used for multiple missions, in order to "shuttle" people and supplies between the earth and space.  Wonder if it'll work...

And there we go!

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