Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6

Well the plot begins to thicken in England. It's still 1066 there, and with the recent death of one king, along comes another. Harold Godwinson is crowned on this date. He's gonna stay king until he dies, which will be about 9 months. By the way, he's gonna be he first king of England to die in battle.

In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella finish reconquering Spain from the Moslems. All in all, I guess it's a good year for them.

In 1540, Anne of Cleves gets married. If you recognize the name (and why wouldn't you) then you know it wasn't that great of an event. Apparently she never gets her hands on the royal scepter, so to speak, nor is she ever acknowledged as Queen. Not sure what the whole point was then, but it's not my business. She does outlive her husband and all his other wives though. Small victories matter.

New Mexico becomes a state on this date in 1912, number 47 of 50. Or 58 if you are the president of the US. But why should he know?

Heh heh. On this date in 1994, insufferable witch Nancy Kerrigan is clubbed in the knee at a skating event in Detroit. Surprisingly, it's not one of the locals. Not surprisingly, it's now hard to figure out who did it. It's later dramatized in the hilarious short film "Spunk: the Tonya Harding Story". Wait... Did I just give it away?

And on that note, I'm off!

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