Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7 birthdays

Born in 1718 was "Old Put", aka Israel Putnam. This is a guy who had a pair of cannon balls for cajones. He fought in the French and Indian War as one of the legendary Rogers Rangers. He's said to have killed the last wolf in Connecticut by crawling into its den with a musket. When word reached him of the battles at Lexington and Concord, he was plowing his field. He literally stopped his plow, mounted his horse, and rode to Boston, where he was immediately appointed general, second in command of the local army (this was before Washington arrived). He might have been the guy who gave the famous "Don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes" order at Bunker Hill. Alas, his career peaked there, and a couple years later his career ended when he suffered a stroke.

In 1929, Terry Moore was born. She's best known nowadays for posing in Playboy in the 1980s, when she was somewhere north of 50. Looked pretty good, though I suspect the pics were touched up. They sometimes do that, you know. However, back in the 50s she was an actress, though I don't think she (or any of her costars, writers, or films) were even nominated for academy awards. And I think you get my little hint!

In 1945, it was time for Tony Conigliaro. He was a baseball player who looked like he was headed for a solid career. Then came 1967, and he took a pitch to the face. He did attempt a comeback, but unfortunately, there's a reason why you can't name a single one-eyed baseball player.

A mere three years later, Kenny Loggins came along. Years later, he Maverick, Iceman, Goose and the Gang took a ride on the Highway to the Danger Zone.

Now we're up to 1956. Wonder who's next? I'll give you a clue: imagine that I take off my sunglasses and look dramatically into the distance. And then make a Deep Profound Observation. Give up? Second clue: One of his early career moves was spoofed in a very early South Park. As always, winner gets a free one year subscription to HistorySnark!

(Previous winners are ineligible)

A while back, we talked about a politician who was accused of screwing around. He challenged the media to follow him around and see if he did anything wrong. Surprise surprise, somebody did it (not the national media- he was of the wrong party for them to want to catch him in wrongdoing). Anyhow, he was caught with a hot blonde on his lap. Which brings us to our point: the blonde, Donna Rice, was born on this date in 1958.

1963 gave us senator Rand Paul. So far, I like what he has to say. And unlike his father, he doesn't seem to be batpoop crazy.

Speaking of batpoop crazy, the next year we got Nic Cage. 'Nuff said.

Natalie Gulbis was born in 1983. She's a hottie. Oh and I guess she hits a little white ball around a park with a stick. But really, does that matter?
Sent from my iPhone

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