Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9

Well it's a horrible day to be Jewish in Switzerland.  Or it was in 1349.  The Black Death is ongoing, and the residents of Basel decide that the Jews are to blame.  They collect all the Jews in the City... and burn them to death.  Pretty hard to find a way to be snarky there!

In 1861, a US ship trying to deliver provisions to the defenders of the fort in Charleston Harbor is fired upon.  By South Carolinians.  The ship was the Star of The West.  The ship turns back, and in a couple months the soldiers at Fort Sumter are almost out of food when the locals bombard them.  Happily, that's a couple months away, but this little incident presumably alerts smart people to the fact that it's about to get really ugly. 

In 1916, the last Allied forces withdraw from Gallipoli, thus giving the victory to the Turks.  And not doing wonders for the reputation of one Winston Churchill.  Alas, the idea was not completely idiotic, but it was a disaster for the British (which includes the Australians and New Zealanders among others who did most of the dirty work).  As of now, that was the last major battle around the Dardanelles, following in the footsteps of such battles as Troy, which lies across the straits a short distance. 

And I guess that's it for today.

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