Friday, January 20, 2012

A Note on January 20

Okay, so I admit it's a bit late in the day, but I was about to start on my usual January 20 snarking.  As I looked over the list of events from this date, I discovered that in 1942, the Wannsee Conference was held in Germany.  That's the little chat-fest where the Nazis announced to the select few that they had a Final Solution To The Jewish Question.

Not a day for snarking.  I apologize, but in my mind, all other events on this date pale in importance, and since Wannsee was by far the most significant event of the day, I couldn't leave it out, and in good conscience it is of course impossible to snark about something like that. 

In the end, I do write this stuff in the hope that people will learn something.  And I don't want anyone to learn anything other than Genocide is a horrible thing, no matter if it's conducted against Jews, Christians (like in Sudan and other parts of the world), Indigenous Peoples, or the Rom people (aka Gypsies). 

Sorry, but that's how it plays out.  I apologize to anyone reading this, and I feel badly for those people whose birthdays might otherwise be noted.

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