Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14 Stuff

Happy anniversary to that hardy little band that tromped ashore in Virginia on this date in 1607. Right around Jamestown. Years before the Pilgrims and Plymouth. Guess that a good P.R. department was useful even then.

It's a memorable day for Louis XIII of France. In 1610, his father died, making him King. Alas, a mere XXXIII years later XIII himself died, giving way to XIV. I can't say for sure, but given the lack of creativity the French had with names, I'm guessing that XIV soon gave way to XVI, though probably not, since I believe XVI was the one who had a close personal relationship with Dr. Guillotine's creation roughly CLX years later.

In 1804 on this date, Lewis and Clark departed for parts unknown from the St. Louis area- St. Louis being IX, for those keeping score at home. Although I suppose we should instead refer to Louis I and Clark, in order to fit our daily theme. But that would probably be pushing it too far.

In 1863, it's the Battle of Jackson, where Grant and his troops beat the Rebels, and get that much closer to their destiny at Vicksburg.

In 1940, Rotterdam gets bombed by the Germans, while meanwhile the Netherlands are surrendering. According to my recollection, the surrender preceded the bombing by a couple hours, which is a bad thing, but communications then being what they were, I suppose the Luftwaffe can be excused for that one. Compared to say, Dresden or Tokyo, this was small potatoes, though I think a few hundred civilians were killed. RIP to them.

In 1948, the state of Israel is declared. The neighboring countries all invade pretty much as soon as the word gets out. Those darn Jooooos and their war-mongering do it every time! (that's what some people call sarcasm, in case you're kinda dense). Happy birthday, Israel. And thank you for what you've done.

Sent from my iPhone

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