Saturday, June 2, 2012

Another reset button

Speaking of Poland, John Paul II, and Lech Walęsa, which we sort of did, I'd like to give a shoutout to the US president- who I will not name here- for resetting relations with Poland in a brilliant manner.

Last year, the moron announced he was canceling plans to deploy US troops in Poland as part of the missile defense shield. Russia was of course thrilled, as it proved that the current president is an incompetent, weak loser who doesn't give a crap about our allies or our security, which is a bonus in their eyes.

In a sure sign of apathy towards our allies, this idiot chose to announce the abandonment of a close ally on the anniversary of the day that said ally,
Poland, was invaded by the USSR in 1939. Bear in mind that when this occurred, Poland was unsuccessfully fighting for its life against Nazi Germany.

There's an old, allegedly African proverb: when elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. Poland is the grass between the German elephant and the Russian one. The Poles have been trampled by Russia on a lot of occasions, so yet another sellout by yet another ally on the anniversary of a stab in the back had a lot more significance to them than one can imagine.

Good thing we have a Department of State to help our president avoid stupid,
pointless insults to our allies, huh?

At any rate, that's old news- but a slight that I suspect the Poles remember, now and forever. So they were less than thrilled this week when the dumbass in DC awarded a medal to a genuine Polish hero- one who was, by the way, executed by the Communists after the War- and referred during his speech to "Polish Death Camps". Because it's not enough to be reminded that one of the biggest crimes in human history was largely perpetrated on your soil when some dummy can also imply that you were the perpetrator rather than, as was often the case, the victim.

But hey, it's not like the Poles contributed much to final victory- sure, they were the first ones to get their hands on an Enigma machine, which they gave to Britain. And sure, they fought bravely with the Western Allies from the Battle of Britain all the way to Arnhem, where Polish paratroopers were butchered by the Germans after being sent in to try and restore a situation that was already beyond saving.

Who cares what the think? After all, what role did Poland play in the death of the Soviet Empire? Other than the Polish Pope and the struggles of Solidarity...

Which leads us to the next, perhaps most egregious insult Crap For Brains inflicted on our Polish friends. When the award to Jan Karski, a member of the Polish Underground who snuck INTO a concentration camp, in order to set up a resistance cell- and then snuck back out to tell the world about the Holocaust- was announced, the Polish government said that they wanted the prize to be accepted on behalf of Poland and her dead hero by former president, Solidarity Leader, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Lech Walęsa.

Sadly, the dipshit in chief stated that it was "not acceptable" for this man- one of the greatest heroes of Poland's long history and a genuine symbol of her struggle- and victory- against tyranny- to do so. Why not? He's "too political".

Try and wrap your brain around the incredible stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance there. It's almost literally impossible.

By the way, another honoree was Dolores Huerta, an avowed socialist. Guess she's not "too political" for the socialist in chief.

Of course, the decision to insult Mr. Walęsa surely had nothing to do with his comment that it was "too early" for the empty suit in chief to win his own Nobel Prize, because "he has no contribution so far". No. Impossible that a US president could be so thin skinned, petty, and despicab- no wait. I remembered who we're talking about. This jackass has no scruples and no class.

Yup. It's a good thing we elected someone who was going to restore our status in the world and mend the fences (allegedly) trampled by his predecessor, who we're told was despised by everyone.

From here, it appears that this stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure has mended fences only with our enemies, who see what a weak, condescending, incompetent mess he truly is. Our allies don't seem to like him, because he keeps insulting them every chance he gets. No idea why people voted for him in the first place, and even less idea why some people still support him. But there's no accounting for stupidity.

Sadly, the spirits of Thaddeus Kosciusko and Kazimierz Pulaski, two men who fought bravely to make America free and independent, are undoubtedly weeping in humiliation.

Five more months, America. Then it's time to elect a president who doesn't go out of his way to humiliate the American People. Or our friends.


  1. What, no birthdays or RIP's today?

  2. Sorry. Computer acting odd... I think the trackpad is clicking at random times, so stuff gets erased in mid-typing. Hard to use the laptop that way, as phone is hard to type on.

    Plus I just wasn't feeling it. Hoping to win the lottery or get a share of an Aztec treasure so I can get an iPad, new laptop, or all of the above.
