Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Pretty Bad Day

Well it's an interesting day if your name is Marc Antony. First off, in 44 BC, Cleopatra named her son as co-pharaoh. That would be her son Caesarion. Son of Guess Who. (I suppose Antony didn't mind a certain type of seconds).

At any rate, that was the high point of September 2 for Antony. On that very same day, to the northwest of Egypt in Rome; Cicero gave the first of his phillipics against Antony. Basically, telling everyone in Rome what a poopy-head Antony was. He gave a bunch more over the next few months.

And finally, lest you think THAT was a bad day, Antony had one more notable event on this date. In 31 BC, he and Cleo with their fleets met the fleet of Octavian at Actium, off the coast of Greece. As Antony and his ships were getting their asses kicked, Cleo decided that discretion was the ether part of valor, and took her fleet away. Back to Egypt they went, with Antony following as soon as he could. It didn't help- let's just say that his stay there wasn't long, before he lost his head. That would be literally, of course. And then Cleo got friendly with an asp, Caesarion got into trouble (if he wasn't already), and bob's your uncle, Octavian became Augustus.

And Augustus became "Not-Emperor", since an empire was bad. Nope, he was just the first citizen, who happened to control the senate, treasury, army, and bureaucracy.

So how was your day?

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