Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29 in history

Remember the other week when Sherman left on his March to The Sea, and Hood took his army into Tennessee?  I warned you it wasn't gonna end well, but also said it would be a few weeks.  Well, it still hasn't gotten disastrous yet, but the wheels are starting to come off.  On this date in 1864, at Spring Hill, the Confederates go after a large chunk of the Union forces left in the State.  The two sides woofed at each other for a day, with relatively few casualties, and then the Union forces retreated north.  Pretty much literally under the Confederate guns.  (In fairness, Hood was arguably a bit hammered from alcohol and pain medicine, so he was kinda out of it.)  At any rate, Hood wakes up the next day to find the Unionists gone, and he's gonna be mighty P.O.'d!  And it's gonna get ugly.  Tomorrow, I suspect. 

The UN demonstrates their importance today on two different occasions.  First, in 1983, when they pass a resolution calling on the Soviets to withdraw from Afghanistan.  Of course, it accomplished nothing.  And then in 1990, they tried again, calling on Iraq to pull out of Kuwait.  And we all know how well that turned out too.  Which gives you a pretty good handle on how effective the UN really is.  Totally worth the billions of dollars the US gives them annually, huh?

Well that was quick and dirty.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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