Tuesday, November 29, 2011

RIP for November 29

Speaking of big news, today is the anniversary of the death of Natalie Wood.  She died 30 years ago.  coincidentally, her death is back in the news- people are claiming she was murdered, rather than dying accidentally.  It could be true.  Or it could be a big ploy to get her name back in the news for this anniversary.  If that sounds implausible, remember we are talking about Hollywood here. 

It was a mere 5 years later that Cary Grant died.  Don't expect that those circumstances were suspicious.  He was apparently everything he was alleged to be, which I guess is A Good Thing.  He attributed it to the meeting of the man and the character, until they became one.  Which is either deeply profound, or cheesy as Hell.  He was touring in a show about his career when he had a cerebral hemorrhage and died  that same day. 

The saddest loss for this day is the legendary George Harrison.  Sad day for music, but I guess when a person is as sick as he was, it's time to go.  I'd like to think he saw it that way.  He would have made a great frontman for a band, I guess- based upon his songwriting and singing talents, which were considerably.  Unfortunately, he had the lucky misfortune to be in a band with songwriters who weren't just really good (like him) but great.  Still, he made a fantastic contribution to the Beatles, and his solo career was also great- I recall "My sweet Lord" being perhaps my first ever "favorite song"; and certainly still a great song (which I'm now gonna have to listen to).

Another sad loss on this date.  Wendie Jo Sperber, who I would have to consider a favorite actress, if I had ever thought about it.  She was a chunky yet kind of attractive brunette who appeared in a lot of movies and tv shows.  Remember the girl in 1941 who got picked up by Belushi and caught a ride in the motorcycle sidecar?  She got him to stop by flashing her leg?  That was her.  She lost a long fight with breast cancer in 2005.  Apparently she was very highly regarded as a person in Hollywood- and in a real "she's alright" way, and not just a "her latest project made money so we have to be nice to her" way.  And that's arguably the best tribute an actress can ever have. 

And on a final note, just because it's also a current bit of news, RIP Patrice O'Neal, standup comic who died on November 29, 2011.  That means today.  Condolences to his family.

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