Saturday, December 3, 2011

Born on the 3rd of December

Happy birthday to Gilbert Stuart, a painter.  He did a famous painting of George Washington which some people claim was unfinished.  The rest of us know, of course that it was finished, but that the bottom was accidentally torn off by that notorious thief, Hans Sprungfield, alias Jebediah Springfield; who used the scrap to write a confession of his evil deeds.  At any rate, good job by Stuart, who had to see one of his best works ruined. 

Remember the Merry Adventures of George B. McClellan, aka the general who wouldn't fight a battle?  Well it's his birthday.  In 1862, he was able to celebrate it, I suppose, with his wife; thanks to Lincoln firing him shortly beforehand.  Thank God he was out of the War by then, as he could have screwed things up even more than he did. 

A famous psychoanalyst was born on this date in 1895, in Vienna.  Her name was Anna Freud.  Anyone care to take a stab at guessing how she got into that field?  I guess it's easy when your daddy more or less invents the entire concept.  Apparently she was quite close to Daddy.  The rest of her family?  Not so much. 

Andy Williams was born on this date in 1927.  He did some good music back in the 60s and 70s.  I honestly thought he was dead, but apparently not.  Interesting cat, which kind of surprises me.  He had his own record label back in the day.  One of the acts who was on his label (very briefly, I gather) was a young singer named Jimmy Buffett.  This was of course before Buffett made it big.  But still.

Speaking of singers, we have a birthday of one of the craziest (or at least most drug addled) singers in Rock History.  That's right, happy birthday to the Ozz Man himself.  One wonders, of course, if he even knows what day it is, or if his wife Sharon has to remind him.  Happy birthday Ozzy, and I hope the upcoming Black Sabbath album makes some money for your bandmates, since I doubt you really need it.

The following year (this would be 1949) gave us Mrs. Robert Urich, aka Heather Menzies, aka Louisa Von Trapp.  She's no longer 16 going on 17, if you do the math.  Just wanted to point that out.  And by the way, if you're interested, Louisa was Kid Number 3.  Apparently.  I've just been looking for info on her, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of "Louisa Von Trapp" outside of stuff dealing with the movie.  Hmmmm.    At any rate, another singer- and one who actually existed (and still does) was also born on that date.  His name is Mickey Thomas, and he was in a band called Jefferson Starship (note I didn't say "Airplane", as he was Johnny Come Lately there).  He's still floating around, essentially as an oldies act.  Happy birthday anyway. 

Are you into the Winter Olympics?  Back in the 70s they were big news, mostly because there was little else on TV.  I remember an Austrian skier named Franz Klammer who won gold once or twice.  Guess what?  Today's his birthday!   He's a mere 58.  I would have thought he was older, but what do I know. 

1960 saw Beauty and Brains both come into our world.  Of course, it required two different people.  One was Daryl Hannah, and the other Igor Larionov.  I'll let you guess which is which.  "The Professor" played for the Red Wings, so he's cool.   Hannah didn't, so she's not as cool.  And apparently she uses her millions of dollars to travel to different places and protest against the 1% today.  Yeah, I guess I gave away which one is Brains out of these two.  At any rate, Larionov apparently is a heckuva chess player, as well as being very astute on the ice. 

Getting back to our Olympic theme, in 1965 the world was graced with Katarina Witt of Germany.  She was a figure skater.  And she helped cement female skaters in the minds of many men- yours truly being one of them- as being the hottest athletes out there. 

Oddly, 1976 saw the birth of Silvia Fontana, who also skated in the Olympics.  She represented Italy.  Never heard of her until just now.  Not surprisingly, she's also kind of hot.  Not Katarina Witt-style hot, but still....

Brian Bonsall, aka "the Family Ties cast member who was shorter even than Michael J. Fox, mostly because he was barely out of diapers" was born today in 1981.  He's still alive, though not by much.  Apparently he's bipolar and also loves him some drugs.  He's a "musician" which explains the latter, I guess. 

Oooh, here's a hottie:  Sila Sahin, a German actress of Turkish descent has a birthday today.  She's 26.  And smoking hot.  She's also not terribly popular among the German Turks, because she posed a few months ago in Germany's Playboy.  Apparently her family wasn't happy, at least according to her, and why would she lie?  (Sarcasm off now).  The editor of Playboy over there says she's not even Muslim, so one of them could be construed to be lying.  BTW, she says that posing nude makes her feel like Che Guevara.  Again, guess who gets classified as Beauty, and who gets classified as Brains?  I'm not sure if feeling like a mass murderer and all-around asshat is a good thing, but whatever.  Amanda Seyfried was born the same day. She's not that exciting, in my opinion.  But whatever.

And there we go. 

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