Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13 birthdays

Happy birthday to Mary Todd Lincoln, born on this date in 1818.  She was a piece of work, and never seemed all that nice to her husband.  But then, he never seemed that in love with her- some folks claim that she was in a family way when they got married.  I dunno.  On the other hand, part of her problem was that she was, sadly, insane.  Fun fact though:  Most of her family in Kentucky "went South" and fought for the Confederacy.  Which probably bummed her husband out.

Ah, but in better news, happy birthday to Alvin York, better known as "Sergeant York".  In WWI, of course, he captured a crap-ton of German soldiers.  Or as Richard Armour explained it, he snuck up behind them and made a sound like an armored division.  When the Germans found out that it was only one man, and a non-com at that, they threw up their hands in disgust, and thus were easy to capture.  Yeah, you really ought to read more Armour.  Hell, I ought to read more Armour.

If you're into television comedy, especially the older stuff- where being funny was helpful in comedy- then you'll want to wish a happy birthday to Dick Van Dyke.  In fact, if you're into any aspect of television, you'll want to wish him a happy birthday.  And if you don't like Dick Van Dyke, then we can never be friends.  Happy 86 to a great one. 

Hey, it's time to play "make the liberal's head explode".  Today, we'll do so by wishing a happy birthday to Herman Cain.  I'm not a fan of his, and never thought he could be a serious candidate for president, but he pisses liberals off, so good for him. 

Here's an odd combination:  Happy birthday to Jeff "Skunk" Baxter.  He played guitar for Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers back in the day.  He also played briefly in a band led by some guy named Hendrix, and did a lot of session work.  Today, while still doing some music, he's also... (get this) a defense contractor, specializing in missile defense.  Cool, huh?

What time is it?!?!  It's time to extend birthday wishes to Morris Day!  Love him and the Time doing "Jungle Love".  His big day was in 1957, and he shares it with creepy actor Steve Buscemi. 

In 1962, along came renowned foot fetishist (not that there's anything wrong with that) Rex Ryan.  He also coaches football.  Interestingly enough, another football coach was also born on that same day.  And his last name is also Ryan!  Rob Ryan, to be exact.  Hmmm.  I hear tell that Buddy Ryan, who is a retired- wait for it- football coach- has two kids named Rob and Rex.  Wonder if any of them are related...?

Born on this date in 1969 is Sergei Federov.  He's a hockey player, or used to be.  He played for the Red Wings and helped them win a Stanley Cup or two.  He also got busy with Anna Kournikova for a while.  Those two things make him a god among men.  Sadly, the Anna thing didn't work out, and he left Detroit, not wanting to play second fiddle to The Captain any more.  Then his business manager apparently stole most of his money.  Coincidence?  Maybe...  At any rate, I hope he's well and I remind you that he's cool. 

It's also the birthday of Debbie Matenopoulus and Taylor Swift.  They're both kind of attractive, but neither one is all that interesting.  Sorry. 

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