Tuesday, December 13, 2011

RIP December 13

RIP Donatello, who died on this date in 1466.  And no, I don't mean the turtle, though that would have made the world a better place.  This is the real one, who was an artist in Florence.  Good stuff came from his studio. 

RIP also a guy about whom it was said "like Robinson Crusoe, it's primitive as can be". No, not really.  Today is the anniversary of the death of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway and sailor.  He is presumed to be the basis for Robinson Crusoe.  He was only 45 or so, but man did he pack some adventures into those years.  He died of a fever and was buried at sea off the coast of Africa. 

Another famous sailor died on this date in 1969:  Admiral Raymond Spruance.  He led US naval forces in WWII, winning a few minor skirmishes like say, the Battle of Midway.  That's a good thing.  Especially since his forces were outnumbered and outgunned, and he was not a carrier admiral by training.  Right man, meet the right place.  And look:  It's also the right time!  Thank God for large favors.

For any fans of 60s music, RIP to Zal Yanovsky of the Lovin' Spoonful, who died on this date in 2002.  Remember in the song "Creeque Alley" (not by the Spoonful) where it had the line "Zal and Denny workin for a penny, tryin to get a fish on the line"?  Well he's Zal!  Or was.  Denny of course was Denny Dougherty of the Mamas and Papas, who did do that song. 

And there we are.  Time to rush off and do other things.

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