Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22 Birthday

Speaking of Roman emperors coming and going, happy birthday to Diocletian, born on this date in 244.  Not that he was born to the Purple.  He was pretty low class, but became a senior army officer, and after the Emperor Carus and his son were both killed; Diocletian was proclaimed emperor.  So was the other son of Carus, but his army wasn't as good as Diocletian's, so he didn't get to inherit the throne. 

It's an ironic day if your name is Oglethorpe.  It's the birthday of James, who founded the colony of Georgia.  Which includes of course the city of Savannah.  Which was captured on this date.  Good thing he was already dead, or he might have had a crappy birthday.  Of course, being English, he might not have cared that much.  Oh well.  At 168 years old on the day of the surrender, he probably would have really not cared. 

Quick:  Who uttered these famous words- "Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver".  Why It was Mrs. Cleaver, aka Barbara Billingsley.  She was born on this date in 1915.  She also uttered those other famous words:  "Excuse me stewardess.  I speak Jive".  Which was a way cooler thing to say. 

Remember the other day when we talked about how Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" was one of the coolest things in the history of TV?  Well here comes a mention of another show that falls into that same category:  "Connections".  And why does it get mentioned?  Well it's the birthday of James Burke, our guide through the show.  I admit it was difficult to get interested in the whole thing, but now that I have... well it's cool as hell.  You should run right out and find the show and watch it.  It's a nice way to get yer nerd on!

One of my favorite musicians was born on this date in 1946.  Happy birthday to Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick.  Been into them ever since my cousin Tim bought their very first album (the one with songs you've never heard of, but which is arguably still their best).  He made my list of most entertaining musicians when I heard him doing an interview where he described the Band as "Four great guys and three great chords".  Gotta love that!

Sigh.  Here's a mixed emotion.  Happy birthday to Maurice and Robin Gibb, born on this date in 1949.  They're two thirds of the Bee Gees, you know.  Or were after the band reverted to just the three Brothers Gibb.  Unfortunately, Maurice died a few years ago, and I've heard rumors that Robin isn't far from joining him.  It's one of the great ironies, as VH1 put it some years ago, that everybody hates them, and yet they've had hits going back to the mid-1960s, and all the way up to their last album "This Is Where I Came In".  And that's just performing.  They've also produced hit records for other acts, written smash hits for other acts yet, and so on.  Imagine how successful they'd have been if people liked them!

Well, it's a big day for the Lohan Family.  Ali Lohan, the youngest turns 18 today.  Now she can also pose nude and become a slut to support her family, taking some of the load off her big sister.  What a relief!  Oh.  I mean she can "allegedly" and "hypothetically" do all that, but I'm sure she doesn't, hasn't, and won't.  Because one thing her parents have made very clear is that there is no truth to any of the rumors of bad behavior by any of the Lohans.  No sir.  They're all squeaky clean and straight.  I'm not suggesting anything, implying anything, or whatever.  Consider any and all disclaimers in effect, as I am not implying anything about the Lohans who are after all a very nice and very loving family which spends all their time and money doing nice things for charity. 

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