Thursday, December 22, 2011

RIP for December 22

Well, we'll briefly mention Vitellius again here.  He died in 69, remember. 

RIP Richard Plantagenet, last of the English Royal house, who died in 1550.  It's actually questionable if he was who he is claimed to be, but it appears legitimate.  He was apparently the son of Richard III, who hid the lad away.  Just before the Battle of Bosworth, he allegedly met the king who promised to acknowledge him as his son if he was victorious.  And if he were to be defeated, he warned the boy to hide away forever.  And if you recall your history, Richard wound up looking for a horse, and the boy fled.  He worked as a bricklayer for the rest of his days, forgotten and ignored.  Long after his death, he was apparently discovered, and the story seems to check out.  Not that it mattered to either Richard by then. 

Leaping ahead a few centuries, we get to another famous Englishman.  RIP Joe Strummer, who died in 2002.  He was of course the guitarist for The Clash.  Sadly, I was never that into them until shortly before Joe left us.  Now, I think they've done some great stuff, and were one of the greatest punk/new wave era bands.  And they were a helluva lot better than any of the disco acts that were around in the 1970s. 

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