Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27 birthdays

Hopefully this one will be better than the last.  If not, all I can say is that people better get going around next March and make babies for December 27 so that things will pick up.  In about 30-40 years.

Well here's something:  Happy birthday to Johannes Kepler, born on this date in 1571.  He had a lot of really arcane rules about planetary motion, but I don't know if the planets really obeyed them because they made sense or if they just felt like it. 

If you're drinking a nice cold glass of milk right now, then raise a toast to Louis Pasteur, born in 1822.  Thanks to him you're probably not gonna die a horrible death from... a horrible disease.  Unless you're a hippie, in which case all bets are off.

1919 saw the birth of Charles Sweeney, who was an Air Force general.  His biggest claim to fame?  Well have you heard of Paul Tibbets?  Of course you have.  Well Sweeney was the Tibbets of Nagasaki.  Go figure.  I guess being first does give one most of the publicity, as I'd never heard of Sweeney before.

In 1939, along came an impressive guy, in a scary kind of way.  Happy birthday John Amos.  Want to know why he looked so big, muscular and scary?  He played football, and he also boxed.  Nope.  Not gonna snark on him.  Besides, I always liked him in Good Times.  And look- according to what I read here, he's doing a project called "Back in shape with Amos and T".  I pity tha fool who don't buy that video!

1947 gave us Mickey Redmond.  If you're a hockey fan, he was a star in the early 70s, with a chance to become a superstar.  Alas, injuries ended his career early, and he went into broadcasting.  The good news is that, after a few seasons with Montreal (giving him a couple Stanley Cups), he was traded to Detroit where he accomplished the almost unheard of (at the time) feat of scoring 50 goals in a season!  And since then, he's been part of the broadcast team for the Wings.  And you know what that means:  He's cool!  And given some of his "Mickeyisms" there's no question of his coolness.  Here's a few of them:  "Katie bar the door!"  "Bingo Bango".  And a really good one:  "Like a lumberjack fighting for the last pork chop!"  Gotta love those, eh? 

Ah, the hottest woman of the day front runner is Barbara Crampton.  She did some scream movies in the day, and of course looked really good doing them.  No word on what she's been doing for the last 15 years or so.  Oh, and she was born in 1958.

Speaking of cool athletes (and we all know what that means) happy 23 to Kid Rick Porcello.  I hope that if Santa didn't bring it, that you wish for a reliable third pitch and better control when you blow out the candles on your cake.  But you play for the Tigers, so at least you can tell people you're cool!

And that's all she, er he wrote!

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