Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27

Not looking good for today.  As an example, the first thing that strikes me today is that Radio City Music Hall opened today in 1932.  I guess that gives us the Rockettes, right?  Not terribly interesting though.  Here's hoping it picks up some.

Well here's something:  On this date in 1978, Spain becomes a democracy again.  And yes, it's because  Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

Remember this one?  In 2002 (I didn't realize it was that long ago) the company Clonaid announced they had successfully cloned a human being.  We're still waiting for proof, of course.  And if it turns out that they're telling the truth, and that the clones are all Ron Paul voters, much will become clear.  To me at any rate.

And finally, in 2009 the Iranian election protests are going strong.  And the government of Imadinnerjacket doesn't like that, so they open fire on the protesters.  The world holds its collective breath waiting for the reaction from the White House.  Basically, the world then turned blue and passed out from the waiting.  Sigh.

Sorry.  That's about all we've got for the day.  Don't blame the messenger.  Or shoot him either.

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