Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve History

Happy December 31. Here's a quick look back.

Remember our old friend Belisarius? Well this is the date the he finished conquering Sicily, having already done africa. Let's see... From Africa to Sicily, I wonder what's next...? My money is on Italy. But then I have a good idea how the story ends.

On the bad side, American forces attack the city of Quebec in 1775, under Montgomery and Arnold. It won't end well. Especially for Montgomery, who we might see again soon!

In 1862, the battle of Stones River (or Murfreesboro is fought. Tactically, it's a draw but the confederates retreat. Thus it essentially turns into a Union win.

In a moderate switch of how we do things, RIP Czechoslovakia in 1992. Tonight it becomes the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Back soon!

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