Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17 birthdays

Well we have to toss this one out- happy birthday to one of the greatest minds ever, the incomparable Dr. Benjamin Franklin. He was born in 1706, and while I'd love to give a rundown of his accomplishments, that would take me hours. Let's just say that he arguably made Thomas Jefferson look like an idiot. And with the two of them combined... Well good lord, that's some brainpower.

In 1899, we were-ahem-blessed with Al Capone. Apparently, he moved to Chicago to work in his cousin's... business... After a little while, some of the other employees started dying suddenly of "lead poisoning". At that point, his cousin apparently took the hint and left town. And since nature abhors a vacuum, Young Al was kind enough to step in and take charge. What a guy!!

And of course it's also Betty White's birthday, but I'm kinda bored with that whole meme. She's 90, but you already knew that too.

As of 1931, it's a big day for voiceovers. So say "This is James Earl Jones birthday" in a really deep and majestic voice.

Cassius Clay, aka Muhammed Ali, is 70 today. He might not know it, having taken about 30-50 too many shots to the head, but that's the way it goes.

In 1949, both Andy Kaufman and Mick Jones were born. The former was a comic, albeit an odd one (who could be funny sometimes, weird others); and the latter was a Rolling Stone. He joined the band to replace Brian Jones, and left a few years later. Apparently he wasn't happy about writing songs with Jagger and then not getting credit for them.

And since it's Andy Kaufman's birthday, it's only appropriate that it should also be Jim Carrey's birthday. He was born in 1962. I don't find him that funny, and the world apparently has caught up to me.

Zooey Deschanel is 32 today. She's cute in a weird sort of way. And I guess she's kinda talented too. And she's newly single. She has a sister, who I think doesn't look much like her.

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