Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3 Deaths

American murderer and alleged mob buddy Jack Ruby died on this date in 1967. Well after JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald both moved along. Was he a mobster? So I hear. Did the Mob send him to get Oswald so he couldn't talk? Could be. Guess we'll never know.

Conrad Hilton died on this date in 1979. He's probably glad of that, as his great grand kids were either not born or extremely young, and thus probably cute. And since he was apparently a devout Catholic, their sluttiness and drug abuse probably wouldn't have gone over too well with him. Not that it's gone over with his son, the grandfather of these lovely people. But that doesn't matter. He was apparently from New Mexico, which I didn't know until just now. So everyone down there should be proud you helped bring us Paris and Nicky.

Sid Gillman died in 2003. You know how Bill Walsh created the West Coast Offense? Well Sid created the predecessor, which to my knowledge lacked a catchy name. He was an offensive genius who helped turn football into the game it is today.

And I guess that'll do it for today.

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