Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3

Remember yesterday when Cornwallis decided to "bag the old fox in the morning"? And how one of his generals said the fox would be gone? Well the fox did slip away. But rather than head for safety, he headed for Princeton. Which wasn't terribly well defended. So a battle ensued there, which ended in a sorta defeat for Washington. But he once again escaped, and left the British even more annoyed. He was good at that.

In 1944, Pappy Boyington was shot down, thus allowing a Japanese pilot the chance at a victory, after hogging some 29 wins for himself. He survives, is captured, and remains a prisoner for the rest of the War.

In 1977, a new company is incorporated. They decide to call it "Apple Computers". It'll never last.

And that's about that for this.

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