Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13 in History

First off, a happy Mother's Day to everyone out there. Especially the mothers!

Getting back to our business, on this date in 1787, the First Fleet set sail from England. For the uninitiated, this was the first load of convicts for Australia. Eleven shiploads full. Bon voyage!

In 1846, the US declares war on Mexico. This will eliminate any chance of Mexico becoming the dominant power in North America.

In 1940, German forces cross the Meuse River into France. Things get really ugly really fast from there. On the other hand, while it happens Churchill offers Parliament his "blood, toil, tears and sweat". Rather than being grossed out, they seem happy with it.

Happily, a mere 3 years later, German and Italian forces in North Africa surrender to the Allies. It's useful to note that it took three years to get to that point, and less than two years to get from North Africa to a German surrender.

In 1989, Chinese students occupy Tiananmen Square in China. This is what real protests in favor of democracy look like, and none of them whined about the evil One Percent. Or about having too much student debt and an inability to get a six figure job in Wymans Studies.

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