Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13 Birthdays

Happy birthday to the Brown Bomber, Joe Louis. Give him whatever he wants, or he might go all Max Schmeling on your ass!

Beatrice Arthur was also born on this date. Give her what she wants, or she might go all Golden Girl on your ass. (BTW, I have absolutely no clue what that means, so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated).

Jim Jones was also born on this date. If you're at a party for him, keep away from the koolaid. Personally, I wouldn't touch the cake either, now that I think about it.

1941 gave us young Ritchie Valens, who 1959 took away. So lift a glass in his memory, or he's gonna go all La Bamba on your ass. (again, suggestions are encouraged, as I try to keep milking a poor joke).

Magic Dick has a birthday today. I hear that Wooba Gooba with The Green Teeth is hosting a party for him. Seriously though, he's done some amazing Blues Harp stuff. Too bad I'm blanking on the titles of the best songs. Anyone who grew up in Detroit in the 70s is encouraged to make up for my memory lapse.

Zoë Wanamaker also has a birthday today. She's probably best known as Madame Hooch in the Harry Potter films, but was awesome as Susan Harper in My Family, or as I call it "probably the best family sitcom in television history".

Oh, and give Whammer Jammer a listen. That's the J. Geils song I was thinking of that featured Magic Dick prominently. But I know there are others!

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