Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18 Birthday News

We start off with yet more Civil War news. Happy birthday to photographer Matthew Brady. Not sure who he is? If you've seen a Civil War era photo, it's probably his work. He spent a lot of time with the Northern Army during the War.

I should note that Brady had a lot of assistants who also spent a lot of time with the Army, so there are a fair number of Brady photographs out there that he had little to do with. But they were his employees, using his equipment to take photos for his studio. So I don't guess it really matters.

It's happy birthday to Mr. Perry Como. He missed the Daily Double by a few days. Not gonna rehash it all, but he was talented, successful, a class act, and known to everyone as a perfect gentleman.

Happy birthday also to the late Karol Wojtyla, aka Pope John Paul II. A brave man, dedicated to fighting for individual freedom from tyranny. Again, that's a pretty good epitaph.

For baseball fans, happy birthday to Brooks Robinson. His prowess as a third baseman was breath-taking, and still sets the standard for the position.

Happy 60th birthday to songwriter extraordinaire Albert Hammond. If you're familiar with his work, you know that it never rains in Southern California. But girl let me warn you: it pours, man it pours. He was born in London, as it was 1942, but his family were actually Gibraltarian, and returned there before the War was even over. Ultimately he moved to LA, but then back home, I guess. Anyhow, he's one of the more successful songwriters from the 70s thru the 90s or so. Oh, and his son AH Jr. is also a fairly well known musician from some band.

Back to baseball for Mr. October, Reggie Jackson his own self. No explanation needed, but I for one still can't believe he smacked three homers on three consecutive pitches. In the World Friggin' Series.

A couple years later came Rick Wakeman along. He's known as the keyboardist for Yes. Back in the days when a Sony Walkman was cool as all get out, I bought a solo cassette of his. Called something along the lines of "the myths and legends of King Arthur", it's most interesting for the role it played in convincing me that Prog Rock would never be my "thing".

Born on the same day as Wakeman is Bill Wallace, bassist for The Guess Who.

Other music birthdays include Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo and George Strait. And Jack Johnson, who some
people seem to really love, but who doesn't seem that interesting to me, musically speaking.

And finally, happy birthday to Vince Young, now of the Buffalo Bills (I think). Hope he figured out how to be happy with what he has, and I respect him for his phenomenal performance in willing his team to an NCAA championship.

Sent from my iPhone

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