Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18 Events

Well. It's about to become clear to everyone how the Civil War will turn out. On this date in 1863, following battles at Raymond and Jackson, US Grant's forces encircled Vicksburg and began laying siege to the Rebel fortress. Once it falls- and that is inevitable- the Union will virtually control the Mississippi River, thus bisecting the Confederacy. The Anaconda Plan of Winfield Scott may have been laughed at, but it's looking awfully familiar by 1863. And it continues to do so until the War ends in a Union victory. Scott of course will not be around to see it.

In 1944, the Battle of Monte Cassino comes to a close. The Germans finally withdraw from what's left of the monastery, after months of battles. It's good news for the Allies, until they look at a map and realize that it's a small spot in a big country. Though in fairness, it's a big step. Next month things will look even better for the Good Guys. Stay tuned.

In1953, Jackie Cochrane makes it into the history books, when she becomes the first woman to break the sound barrier. I'm gonna assume she was in a plane, though being a woman she might have simply flown off the handle.


Big constitutional news in 1992. The 27th amendment officially goes into effect. A mere 203 years after it was first proposed. For the record, if the states and the Congress hadn't fiddle-farted around, it would have been one of the first 11 or so amendments. Oh, and it was Michigan that was the 38th state to ratify it, thus making it into law. Aren't politicians efficient? Why we should give them even more authority over our lives!

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