Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Time Travelling President

I've been looking for a way to expand the blog into other things besides births and deaths.  But it's hard to find historical things to snark about on a daily basis.  Until somebody gives you a golden opportunity.  Thus I get to say the words I never thought I'd say:  Thanks, President Obama!

You probably saw the bit about how Obama added little bits and pieces to various biographies of his predecessors, giving himself credit for carrying on their accomplishments.  And if you're lucky, you've seen the photoshops people have done, building on that theme.  Me, I think he should give himself credit for even more stuff.  So here goes:

President Eisenhower spent eight years in the White House.  He's best known today for a few habits that he had, since his presidency was a period of amazing growth.  For instance, did you know that Ike smoked?  And like Ike, Obama smokes too!  So he's carrying on the legacy of Ike's booming economy by providing stimulus to the tobacco industry. 

Eisenhower also is viewed as the father of the Interstate Highway System.  He became aware of the need for better roads when, as a young Army officer, he took part in an exercise to see how well troops could be transported across the country.  As president, he started the highway construction boom we have today.  And Obama, like Eisenhower, is spending billions of dollars on the highways of America.  It's just that the work done under the current administration is either not really being done, or it was already funded.  But hey- he's building on Ike's legacy yet again!

Eisenhower is also known for having a fondness for golf. Of course, he sometimes felt he had other things to do, and it's also easier to go golfing when the country and the economy isn't in the crapper, but Obama is making a point of building on his legacy of golf.  Ike might even have helped popularize the game, and Obama... well he golfs a lot.  A LOT!  So he's just like Ike!

And finally, Ike was known as "the hidden hand president".  He believed in letting events take their course, with just an occasional nudge in the right direction.  And President Obama, building on his successes, believes in voting "present" and in "leading from the rear".

Oh, and Ike sent troops in to ensure that minority students were allowed to study at universities in the South.  While Obama was allowed to study in the Ivy League, where he presumably attended classes and everything!  Ike would be so proud of him!

So President Obama is carrying on the legacy of President Eisenhower even today.  What a piece of good luck we got to have such a leader twice in the same century (almost).

Another president we've had is Richard Nixon.  He gets a bad rap among most of the people, but that's simply because of his paranoia and his attempts to discredit his enemies.  And like Nixon, Obama has lists of his enemies, and will stop at nothing to keep them from harming him, including dirty tricks.  Nixon's cronies were called the plumbers, Obama's cronies attacked Joe the Plumber!  Nixon tried to use the IRS against a man who stole classified documents, Obama tries to use the IRS to force people to distribute the wealth.

Once again, the resemblance is breath-taking!  Barack Obama is just like Richard Nixon!

And finally, we have Jimmy Carter.  Carter was an incompetent leftist boob who had no clue how to do the job of president.  He presided over a crappy economy, a period of great doubt about the prospect of American survival, and was a complete blundering idiot.  And Obama... well he's an incompetent leftist boob who has no clue how to do the job of president.  He presides over a crappy economy, a period of great doubt about the prospect of American survival, and is a complete blundering idiot.  Carter has spent the years since his presidency ended, slobbering over any dictator he can find, undermining America's security, alienating friends, and giving comfort to our enemies.  Obama has spent the years of his presidency slobbering over any dictator he can find, undermining America's security, alienating friends, and giving comfort to our enemies.

Barack Obama is just like Jimmy Carter!  An incompetent, arrogant, and self-righteous lover of America's enemies.  Carter was a one term president who was defeated in his reelection campaign, and Obama... well, we can always hope.

So I hope that you now see that Obama is carrying the mantle of the presidents who preceded him, and leading America someplace.  And that he's less involved than Eisenhower, more arrogant than Nixon, and even less competent than Carter.

By the way, I hereby denounce myself as a racist.

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