Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6 Birthdays

The first birthday boy is of course an American Legend. He was a schoolteacher, who became an Army officer. He volunteered to go into the enemy camp as a spy. While there, he was recognized by his cousin, who was on The Wrong Side, and knew our boy favored The Right Side. So cousin turned him in, leading to an early demise for the young man born on this date in 1755. But unlike his cousin, he lives on as a man to be respected, even by his enemies. Happy birthday, Nathan Hale. You lived well and died better. The British all agreed you faced the gallows with honor.

Levi Stubbs was born on this date in 1936. Like Hale, he also left us too soon, but otherwise I'm not gonna compare a patriotic hero to a singer for the Four Tops, even though I am from Motown.

In 1947, Robert Englund was spawned from the bowels of Hell- errr, born on this date.

1959 gave us the lovely and oh so talented Miss Josie Lawrence. She is best known- to me at least- for her appearances on the (much better than the American version) BBC version of "Whose line Is It Anyway". IMHO she was the best female contestant I ever saw. On either version of the show.

In 1975, we got actress Staci (or Stacy) Keenan. She had two dads, you know. At least for a year or so. Then she got cancelled.

That's about it. Sorry.

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