Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6 deaths

We have a vague American Revolution theme going on today. Our first Dead guy left us in 1799. I'd venture to say he got both the liberty and the death he famously asked for. Not at the same time, of course.

Or did he...? Anyhow, RIP Patrick Henry. He was one helluva speaker, he was.

Field Marshal and Governor-General of Canada Julian Bung died on this date in 1935. My hunch is that he's less well known than his wife, Lady Byng. At least to hockey fans. I guess she must have been ladylike, or at least A Good Sport, as the NHL every year awards the Lady Byng Trophy to the biggest wimp- errr, most gentlemanly (star) player in the League. (thugs and benchwarmers need not apply). Or if she wasn't ladylike or a good sport, she must have at least liked hockey and been willing to donate a trophy to the League.

Probably the latter. At any rate, her husband died on this date.

Carl Jung also died on this date, in 1961. He was a psychologist, you know. He went with Jungian psychology, I guess.

In 1991, Stan Getz died. He was a jazz musician, best known for "The Girl from Ipanema". The song, not the girl herself. He apparently had quite a career in music, going back to Big Band days.

And again, spare a thought for all the young men who went ashore in Normandy on this date and never returned.

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